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Player not showing correct chip stacks after add-on

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:36 pm
by dawg6
During a tournament, at the first break, we had one player that did an add-on and something strange happened:

- In chat it properly showed that he did an add-on to everyone

- On his screen only, after he did the add-on, it properly showed the correct chip stack for about 10 seconds, but then reverted back to his chip stack before he did the add-on. His chip stack did not correct itself until after he did an action (he called a bet on the first hand after the break)

- This player also noticed that on his screen, most (but not all) other players chip stacks were not showing the correct amount (i.e. on his screen, it showed their previous chip stack, even thought they did a rebuy)

- On everyone else's screen (including another player who was co-located with him, i.e. on the same home wi-fi network), it showed the proper chip stack for this player (and everyone else) the whole time

It sounds to me like maybe his PC missed a data packet that had the chip stack updates in it. If that's the case, it seems that if that packet could be missed, could other packets be missed as well, that would lead to an inconsistent game state for a plyer? If you recall, I also submitted a bug a while back for some players getting out of sync and had to refresh their browsers because the server was waiting on them to act, but their client said it was someone else's turn.

This player was running Chrome on Windows 11, if that helps.

Re: Player not showing correct chip stacks after add-on

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:14 pm
by Kent Briggs
Check the timestamp and then look in the Event Log and see if it recorded a disconnect for that player around the same time. Make sure your players know about the refresh button at the top of the table and that it should be used any time something doesn't look right.

Re: Player not showing correct chip stacks after add-on

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:54 am
by dawg6
No disconnect recorded for that player at that time.

This particular player is well aware of the need to refresh, because for some reason, his home internet provider seems to have an issue with Poker Mavens and he used to get silent disconnects all the time (several times per hour). He started using a cellular hotspot to play poker mavens and now he no longer disconnects at all. He is the reason why I submitted the previous bug report (, but I also personally observed it when I had Starlink. Once I switched from Starlink to a different internet provider, I also stopped getting silent disconnects.

He did tell me though that this was not the first time he noticed the chip stack inconsistency, even after switching to the cellular hotspot.