So, mixed news. The changes have definitely hit something of the problem as we have crashed only two times in 8 days and counting. We crashed on the first day of running the latest Beta. Then, we went almost a week with no crash before finally crashing on Wednesday night. Since then, we have been up with no crash, 1.25 days and counting.
This is a notable improvement. Unfortunately, in addition to the less frequent crashes, we are now also seeing a relatively high volume of players getting disconnected, dropped from hands, etc. The Hand History will simply say they "timed out" and the EventLog shows what appears to be disconnect / logout sequences followed by new connections / logins when the player comes back to the table.
For example, player "ts"
timed out during a hand started at at 22:48 and the following are the entries from the EventLog:
Code: Select all
2022-10-20 22:47:39|System|Traffic - Seconds: 59, Bytes in: 6297, Bytes out: 312548, Total: 318845, Threads: 94, CPU: 0.0%, Memory: 35224 kb
2022-10-20 22:47:41|Logout|R logged out session 000000DB, PC 0693CBDF
2022-10-20 22:47:41|Login|R logged into session 000000DD from IP ***.***.146.3, PC 0693CBDF
2022-10-20 22:47:50|API|AccountsGet from ***.***.63.28
2022-10-20 22:47:51|API|AccountsGet from ***.***.63.28
2022-10-20 22:48:27|House|Ring -1 balance 1290.33 (Rake Black AA Cracked 1/1 Jackpot Table)
2022-10-20 22:48:27|House|Rake +1 balance 261558.88 (Black AA Cracked 1/1 Jackpot Table)
2022-10-20 22:48:38|System|Traffic - Seconds: 59, Bytes in: 2249, Bytes out: 247407, Total: 249656, Threads: 92, CPU: 0.0%, Memory: 35192 kb
2022-10-20 22:49:37|System|Traffic - Seconds: 59, Bytes in: 1733, Bytes out: 152253, Total: 153986, Threads: 92, CPU: 0.0%, Memory: 35192 kb
2022-10-20 22:49:51|House|Ring -0.50 balance 1289.83 (Rake Black AA Cracked 1/1 Jackpot Table)
2022-10-20 22:49:51|House|Rake +0.50 balance 261559.38 (Black AA Cracked 1/1 Jackpot Table)
2022-10-20 22:49:58|Connect|ts disconnects session 000000CC, PC B98BC0DE
2022-10-20 22:50:17|Connect|R disconnects session 000000DD, PC 0693CBDF
2022-10-20 22:50:36|System|Traffic - Seconds: 59, Bytes in: 1923, Bytes out: 205567, Total: 207490, Threads: 89, CPU: 0.0%, Memory: 35136 kb
2022-10-20 22:50:49|API|AccountsSessionKey from ***.***.252.115 (ts)
2022-10-20 22:50:51|Connect|Connection 000000DE accepted from IP ***.***.205.29, PC B98BC0DE
2022-10-20 22:50:53|Logout|ts logged out session 000000CC, PC B98BC0DE
2022-10-20 22:50:53|Login|ts logged into session 000000DE from IP ***.***.205.29, PC B98BC0DE
2022-10-20 22:51:06|API|AccountsGet from ***.***.63.28
2022-10-20 22:51:22|House|Ring -1.70 balance 1288.13 (Rake Black AA Cracked 1/1 Jackpot Table)
2022-10-20 22:51:22|House|Rake +1.70 balance 261561.08 (Black AA Cracked 1/1 Jackpot Table)
2022-10-20 22:51:36|System|Traffic - Seconds: 59, Bytes in: 4011, Bytes out: 246749, Total: 250760, Threads: 90, CPU: 0.0%, Memory: 35156 kb
The crashes remain a priority, but the sudden jump in disconnects is now a prickly issue for the players. What might we check / do on our side to mitigate this new issue?
Also, is there any way to truly tell what happened here, e.g., in this specific instance? Meaning, can we distinguish from the logging whether the server is taking action on the connection; whether this is a purposeful client-side disconnect; or, whether this is an unintentional client-side disconnect, e.g., a network issue?
FWIW, We will provide details from any future crash here as well. For now, we are "burning in" the beta a bit to see if there is a new pattern to the crashes, e.g., every 6 days.