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Custom Graphics/Sounds Question

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:15 am
by Finkdaddy
I am completely new at this, and so I have several questions about customizing my server.

I can see that I can add graphics and sound files via the client media tab.
But is that the place that I'm supposed to add files?
If I add files there, do they just show up for the client?
Once I add a file, how do I get to it to edit or delete it?

I guess I'm just confused as to where my custom graphics/sounds should go.
Any advice would be very helpful.

Thank you!
Screen Shot 2020-08-08 at 6.56.19 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-08-08 at 6.56.19 AM.png (134.44 KiB) Viewed 2457 times

Re: Custom Graphics/Sounds Question

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:06 am
by Kent Briggs
Finkdaddy wrote:I can see that I can add graphics and sound files via the client media tab.
But is that the place that I'm supposed to add files?
When you edit any of those settings, you get a standard Open File dialog so you can browse your way to the file's location on your local hard drive. So it doesn't matter where you put them since you will be telling Poker Mavens the full path of each file.

Re: Custom Graphics/Sounds Question

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:16 am
by Finkdaddy
Kent Briggs wrote:When you edit any of those settings, you get a standard Open File dialog so you can browse your way to the file's location on your local hard drive. So it doesn't matter where you put them since you will be telling Poker Mavens the full path of each file.
I see. So it's just creating a path. That makes sense.
What about custom sounds. How does PM know what sound to play?

Re: Custom Graphics/Sounds Question

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:19 am
by Finkdaddy
Also, if I completely remove the path I just created, will it revert back to the original, default table?

Re: Custom Graphics/Sounds Question

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:30 am
by Kent Briggs
Finkdaddy wrote:I see. So it's just creating a path. That makes sense.
Technically you create the path and just tell Poker Mavens where it is.
What about custom sounds. How does PM know what sound to play?
Put all your audio files into a single folder and then tell Poker Mavens where that folder is. You must give your audio files specific names as instructed in the help file:

Audio folder - This is a local folder that holds your custom set of sound effect files. Leave blank to use the default set. Include both .mp3 and .ogg format files to support all browsers using the following file names:

Beep.mp3 / Beep.ogg (sound effect for alerting a player when it is their turn to act)
Bet.mp3 / Bet.ogg (sound effect when a player makes or calls a bet)
Card.mp3 / Card.ogg (sound effect when a card is dealt from the deck)
Check.mp3 / Check.ogg (sound effect when a player checks their option to bet)
Pot.mp3 / Pot.ogg (sound effect when chips are moved toward or away from the pot)
Login.mp3 / Login.ogg (sound effect when another player logs into the site)

The default sound will be used if any of these files are not included. Note that the audio files are loaded into memory when the server is put online so any changes made after that will not be seen until the server is restarted.

Re: Custom Graphics/Sounds Question

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:33 am
by Finkdaddy
That all makes total sense.

Thank you for all your help, Ken. I know it must be frustrating to answer the same questions over and over. :oops:

Re: Custom Graphics/Sounds Question

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:18 am
by Kent Briggs
Also I should mention the instructions for formatting your custom graphics are located here: