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3 to 12 character limit for usernames?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:36 am
by draker
New user (admin) here, just did a full integration with a Wordpress-based poker club and it took me a single night, including getting SSL up and account integration via the API. Wonderful piece of software. What a pleasure to work with it!

One thing I'm running into is that many of my users' Wordpress usernames are >12 characters in length, and I'm trying to get away with a seamless integration that shares usernames between our Wordpress site and Poker Mavens. It looks like these long usernames will be incompatible, out of the box. Is 12 characters a hard limitation or is it configurable?

Re: 3 to 12 character limit for usernames?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 9:49 am
by Kent Briggs
12 characters is a hard limit so that names will fit in the allotted spaces on the table.