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RingGamesPause blocked by new Waiting status

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:52 am
by StevieG
Hi, Kent.

When issuing a RingGamesPause command to a table that is in the new Waiting status, the API call returns an Error that "ring game is in wait mode"

Please either allow the pre-existing Pause and Resume methods to supersede the wait status, or enable a "Start minimum" value of 0 to disable the wait feature.

I used the callback system and the API to allow players to issue pause and resume commands from the lobby chat. This no longer works as the API call is blocked by the wait status.

Yes, there is the possibility of the table start code, but it will be confusing to players when to use which mechanism ("if there are just two of you, and you want to start do this, but if there are three and the game begins automatically, you want to pause and resume, do something else").


Re: RingGamesPause blocked by new Waiting status

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:57 am
by Kent Briggs
StevieG wrote:Yes, there is the possibility of the table start code, but it will be confusing to players when to use which mechanism ("if there are just two of you, and you want to start do this, but if there are three and the game begins automatically, you want to pause and resume, do something else")
You could set the Start Minimum setting equal to the Seat count so it never starts automatically unless completely full. Then adjust your API code to run RingGamesStart instead of RIngGamesResume to come out of wait mode. No start codes needed when doing that.